Ladakh : The Dreamland every traveller wishes.

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Every travel enthusiast like me once wishes to visit LADAKH and soak in the beauty of the these gigantic Mountains. I was lucky to witness the magic of LADAKH in September 2021 and with my experience I would like to state a few things that could help anyone who’s willing to travel ladakh next.

Our trip itinerary-Leh-Nubra Valley-Pangong lake-Kargil-Srinagar

1. Follow the rules
Ladakh in an UT and lies on the border. It has a few restrictions with respect to India’s safety. So as a responsible traveller is important to listen and abide by the rules there. Our intentions might not be wrong but being careful is important. Listen to the army wherever required and be in touch with locals for local rules and regulations.

2. Acclimatization
The single most important thing about visit Ladakh is acclimatization before beginning the trip since Ladakh is situated at a higher altitude and to reduce mountain sickness. This depends person to person, we had a 12-hour acclimatization in Leh before beginning the trip.

3. Drink water
Ladakh altitude can give you recurrent headaches, nausea and pukish feeling but water is definitely one such solution you can try before taking the medicines. Most of these issues occur because of less oxygen in the air, so water does the job. In case of severe problems, keep medicines handy.

4. Eat Minimal, but all meals
Eating simple food keeps your health good because it’s easy to digest. Have 3 meals a day but keep the quantity in check. Most of the time you are on the road travelling, so keeping meals low in quantity can be beneficial.

5. Washrooms are available in every popular tourist spot
Before we began to plan, I saw many youtube videos of people stating it’s difficult to find washrooms in Ladakh. According to me there were sufficient washrooms in every important tourist spot, nearby monasteries and in restuarants too.

6. Sim cards and electricity
Airtel and Jio worked in almost all areas we visited except Pangong lake.
Electricity issues were found in Nubra Valley and Pangong.

7. Availability of electricity
Nubra Valley- 6 pm to 11 pm only
Pangong- 6pm to 9pm only
Make sure you carry an extra power bank for your gadgets and keep them well charged.

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